I want to begin by wishing everyone a very happy Independence Day. While most people call it the Fourth of July, I prefer Independence Day because it reminds us of the holiday’s connection to the founding of our nation. Recalling and celebrating our nation’s beginning rightly leads us to give thanks for the many things we have accomplished as a nation over the years.
READ MOREAs most of you know, I went on my annual priest retreat the week of June 13 – 18. I had a wonderful time at my alma mater – Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg. Maryland. While there I had lots of time to pray, and remembered all of you and the special intentions so many of you gave me. As usual, I visited and prayed at the tomb of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, to whom I have a special devotion.
READ MOREThis weekend is Corpus Christi – the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. It is a day to celebrate and reaffirm our Faith in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, under the appearance of bread and wine. As many of you know, it is also one of my favorite holy days of the year.
READ MORELast week, I had a nice evening with Fr. Gilbert and the deacons of our parish. We had dinner together to celebrate Deacon John Flynn’s 45th anniversary as a deacon. Many of you know or are even related to Deacon John. He is a fine Christian gentleman.
Even before his ordination, Deacon John was active in this parish. He was the first lay lector to read at Mass here, and the first Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. It should surprise no one that, when the permanent diaconate was restored by the Second Vatican Council (with great encouragement from Pope St. Paul VI), Deacon John was in the first class to be ordained for what was then the Diocese of Trenton.
READ MOREToday is Pentecost Sunday – the day on which Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help His disciples spread the Gospel to many peoples and places. In Baptism, and especially Confirmation, Jesus sent that same Holy Spirit to help us spread the Gospel in the world today. Many of you do this by teaching your children about the Faith and sending them to Catholic School or CCD classes. Many also do it by supporting the missions. Still others do it on a personal, one to one basis, sharing their faith with others in conversations and other ways.