21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

08-27-2023From Fr. Antony's DeskFr. Antony Arockiadoss

Dear Family!

Reflection: Peter’s whole life is a symbol of the church in itself. Peter was to encounter Jesus with the persuasion of his brother Andrew. He was to make known the revelation which has been given from above, that Jesus was the Christ. He was to get himself in a difficult and opposing position with Jesus on account of being very earthly in heart and mind. He was given the commission to lead the group of the apostles and gets his name and the meaning of his life changed by Jesus. Peter was set to betray Jesus and was to weep and repent later on to be encouraged by Jesus to tend His sheep.


20th Sunday of Ordinary Time

08-20-2023From Fr. Antony's DeskFr. Antony Arockiadoss

Dear Family!

Reflection: The theme of the 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time reveals to us the universal call to salvation. Jesus commissioned His Apostles to spread the Gospel “to the ends of the earth”. God’s plan was always to invite all people. In the first reading, through the voice of Isaiah we hear that the Jerusalem Temple “Shall be called a house of prayer for all people”. God will extend the gift of salvation to all nations (Isaiah 56:1- 12). Saint Paul also reiterates this universal call of God: Jews and Gentiles can have confidence in God’s call to salvation because the “gifts and call of God are irrevocable.”


Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

08-13-2023From Fr. Antony's DeskFr. Antony Arockiadoss

Reflection: I thank all of you for all your love and support all through the year; it has been one year since my appointment as your pastor. I am grateful to God for His graciousness in leading me and guiding me so that I can serve you well! There will always be uncertainties in life as you probably felt at times in your lives. The personalities we meet in the readings are all and nothing but personalities who have faced uncertainties all their lives. Elijah’s uncertainty is all about his prophetic role. In the Gospel, the Apostles unwillingly agree to get into the boat as they were enjoying the privilege of Jesus’s friendship - they got special recognition from the people. For Jesus ‘special recognition’ is given to you when you are found worthy at the time of challenge, trial, tribulation.


Transfiguration of the Lord

08-06-2023From Fr. Antony's DeskFr. Antony Arockiadoss

Dear Family!

Reflection: Every pope has a Papal Motto that highlights the pope’s focus or his pastoral concern over the church. Pope Francis’ motto on his coat of arms, “miserando atque eligendo” is taken from a homily by Saint Bede, which could be translated as “having mercy, Jesus called him.” Pope Benedict XVI’s Papal Motto was “Cooperatores Veritatis” (Cooperators of the Truth taken from 3rd Letter of John, which has only one chapter, 8th verse). Pope John Paul II’s motto is “Totus Tuus” which means ‘Totally Yours’ or ‘I am all yours, and all I have is yours’ is inspired by the teaching of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort.