Dear Family!
Reflection: This Sunday’s Gospel passage (Mt 25:1- 13) invites us to prolong the reflection on eternal life that we began on the occasion of the Feast of All Saints and the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. Jesus recounts the parable of the ten virgins invited to a wedding feast, symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven. Christ is the Bridegroom, and we are like the virgins awaiting his return to begin the wedding feast of heaven.
No matter how young or old we are, we can still live wise or foolish lives. We can be wise as soon as we want to be, calling on the Wisdom of God. The 1st reading reminds us that God’s wisdom is ready and waiting to meet us as soon as we call to her. It also teaches us that our decision-making is most prudent when we consider what is the best course of action in God’s eyes. The theme of the readings this Sunday invites us to be awake and prepared to meet Christ.
Pope Francis teaches us further on this topic, “If we allow ourselves to be led by what seems most attractive to us, by what we like, by seeking our interests, our life becomes sterile; we do not accumulate any reserve of oil for our lamp, and it will be extinguished before the encounter with the Lord. We must live today, but a today that goes towards tomorrow, towards that encounter, a present full of hope. If, on the other hand, we are vigilant and correspond to God’s grace by doing good, we can serenely await the bridegroom’s coming. The Lord will be able to come even while we are sleeping: this will not worry us, because we have the reserve of oil accumulated through our daily good works, accumulated with that expectation of the Lord, that he may come as soon as possible and that he may come to take us with him.” (Angelus, November 8, 2020).
Eucharistic Revival Seminar: My sincere thanks to all the volunteers of ’72 Disciples’ ministry. Our seventh seminar was on NOV 8TH, 6:30pm. Fr. Charles O’Connor presented the seminar “Eucharist and Mission, Evangelization.” This is a great opportunity as we are the only lucky parish in the whole diocese that has regular community learning when it comes to monthly seminars and bible study.
The next Seminar will be on Dec 13th, 6:30pm. I continue to encourage you to make an effort to be part of the community learning. It is crucial for the present and future of our faith and church that we learn and live our faith together.
Bible Study: We started our Bible Study on October 25th at 5pm in Mercy Hall with the Gospel According to St. Mark. Please take note of the date and time of the classes. We are hoping to have a total of 9 classes. Every Wednesdays at 5pm we meet at Mercy Hall. All are welcome! Please bring your bible. Our 3rd class was on Nov 8th, ‘The Call of Disciples & 5 Controversies.’ (Mark 1:14 - 3:6). The 4th class will be on Nov 15th, ‘A New Israel & the Parables (Mark 3:7 - 4:34). Please encourage your loved ones to attend this Bible Study.
Confession Time Change: Our parish Confession times are as follows: Saturdays 9am to 9:30am and Saturdays 3:15pm to 4:15pm. For pastoral reasons, we are moving only the Saturday Morning confessions to 10am - 10:45am (there is no change to the Saturday afternoon confessions). We begin this new time from the 1st Sunday of Advent (December 3rd, 2023). Please help us to spread the word. There will also be confessions available during the week, Monday to Friday 10am - 12pm, and 3 - 4pm. Please call the parish office at 908-454-0112.
Parish Census: As a parish we are obligated to give the diocese the right count on how many parishioners we have. It also helps us to prepare and plan our daily affairs like budget and future planning. It is also important to update our parish census as to sacramental entries, deaths and absence of people due to change of address etc. I thank all volunteers in being part of this important obligation.
Holy Hour: Every first Friday of the month we have holy hour in English at 6pm. Please join the parish community in prayer and worship. And also help us to spread the word. Bring along all your petitions and needs of the community! At the time of the Holy Hour there will not be adoration at the chapel. The adorers are requested to join the parish community in the Holy Hour. Be assured of my love and prayers for you and family!
Fr. Antony
¡Querida familia!
Reflexión: El pasaje evangélico de este domingo (Mt 25,1-13) nos invita a prolongar la reflexión sobre la vida eterna que iniciamos con ocasión de la Fiesta de Todos los Santos y la Conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos. Jesús relata la parábola de las diez vírgenes invitadas a un banquete de bodas, símbolo del Reino de los Cielos. Cristo es el Esposo, y nosotros somos como las vírgenes que esperan su regreso para comenzar las bodas del cielo.
Estudio Bíblico: Comenzamos nuestro Estudio Bíblico el 25 de octubre a las 5pm en Mercy Hall con el Evangelio Según San Marcos. Por favor tome nota de la fecha y hora de las clases. Esperamos tener un total de 9 clases. Todos los miércoles a las 5 pm nos reunimos en Mercy Hall. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Por favor trae tu biblia. Nuestra tercera clase fue el 8 de noviembre, 'El llamado de los discípulos y 5 controversias' (Marcos 1:14 - 3:6). La cuarta clase será el 15 de noviembre, 'Un nuevo Israel y las parábolas (Marcos 3:7 - 4:34). Anime a sus seres queridos a asistir a este estudio bíblico.
Cambio de horario de confesión: Los horarios de confesión de nuestra parroquia son los siguientes: sábados de 9am a 9:30am y sábados de 3:15pm a 4:15pm. Por razones pastorales, trasladaremos las confesiones del sábado por la mañana de 10am a 10:45am (no hay cambios en las confesiones del sábado por la tarde). Este cambio comenzará a partir del 1er domingo de Adviento (3 de diciembre de 2023). Por favor ayúdanos a correr la voz. También habrá confesiones disponibles durante la semana. Llame a la oficina parroquial al 908-454-0112 de lunes a viernes de 10am a 12pm y de 3 a 4pm.
Censo Parroquial: Como parroquia estamos obligados a darle a la diócesis el recuento correcto de cuántos feligreses tenemos. También nos ayuda a preparar y planificar nuestros asuntos diarios como el presupuesto y la planificación futura. También es importante actualizar nuestro censo parroquial en cuanto a entradas sacramentales, muertes y ausencias de personas por cambio de dirección, etc. Agradezco a todos los voluntarios por ser parte de esta importante obligación.
Hora Santa: Cada primer viernes de mes tenemos hora santa en inglés a las 6pm. Únase a la comunidad parroquial en oración y adoración. Y también ayúdanos a correr la voz. ¡Trae todas tus peticiones y necesidades de la comunidad! Durante la Hora Santa no habrá adoración en la capilla. Se solicita a los adoradores que se unan a la comunidad parroquial en la Hora Santa.
¡Tenga la seguridad de mi amor y mis oraciones para usted y su familia!
P. Antony