Dear Family!
I thank all our young people who have received their Sacrament of Confirmation. At the Mass, I have encouraged all of you to begin your ‘public ministry’ like Jesus after receiving the Holy Spirit. We have begun Youth Ministry in our parish after COVID. I invite you all to be part of the youth group. As a community our possibilities are endless. Our parish staff will be reaching out to you in the near future. I request you to join our parish youth.
We have made some inroads in our preparation for the Eucharistic Renewal at our parish. We have initiated the forming of 72 DISCIPLES to cater to the spiritual needs of our parish and have more than 30 disciples so far. I urge you to prayerfully consider joining this group. We have planned to have monthly input sessions, sharing, ministry, breaking bread etc. - revitalizing our parish life with your prayers and support. Our parish needs you! Please talk to one of the clergy or call the parish office.
For a Jew, scripture is a collection of scrolls and later came be called the TANAKH. It is a made-up word from the 1st letter of the three words, Torah (Law), Neviim (Prophets), Ketuvim (Writings). Moses representing the Torah and Elijah representing the Prophets had personal encounters with God on the holy mountain (Sinai or Horeb): Moses in the fire of the burning bush and Elijah through the gentle whisper of God’s voice.
At the beginning of the Second Sunday of Lent, the reflection on the readings, especially the Gospel encourages us to identify ‘a good place to be’ for our growth in spirituality and holiness. ‘The best place to be’ is always in the company of Jesus, where the Scripture is being fulfilled. We are a part of the fulfillment of God’s promise to our people.
The disciples had to come down from the mountain as being with Jesus means not staying up on the mountain. Our God-experiences cannot just remain a God-experience and nothing more! Our God-experiences need to be translated into our Christian sentiments of love and compassion towards people especially the poor and the needy. Please join me in thanking all the people who are involved in this ministry at our parish. God calls you to join them!
Fr. Antony